Saturday 18 May 2013

feelin' blue? go for green ...

Life’s our choice. 
It’s up to us how we feel, where we go and who we choose to share it with. 

My beloved and I have recently made huge choices to create a life that we wanted to live. 

And that meant leaving loved ones, a family home, a country, a hemisphere. 

In short, we left one life to create another.

I know without doubt that our raw food lifestyle enabled us to do this. Lifting us up instead of keeping us down, making us feel lighter, happier, clearer about stuff. 

We stopped stuffing down our emotions, let them rip forth and dealt with the rubbish.

It wasn’t that pretty. 

Some people say that it’s OK for us, it comes easy. 

Some say we’re lucky, they don’t have that opportunity. 

I say whatever you want, you go and get it as no-one else can do it for you.